Lexy Reinhardt

In the Wyeth Lab, my research focuses on the field behavior and navigation of the captivating sea slug, Hermissenda crassicornis. I earned my undergraduate degree in Marine Biology from the University of British Columbia in 2023, where I gained fieldwork skills at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. Throughout my undergraduate journey, I collaborated with various organizations and labs, including Project Seahorse, iSeahorse, the O’Connor Lab, the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, the UBC Aqua Society, the UBC Women in Science Club, Women in Ocean Science, the Research Experience Program, X-Oceans Outreach, and the Sustainability Committee. As an enthusiastic diver since 2011, I have since gained my scientific diving certification, which complements my current project of capturing underwater videos of sea slugs in their natural habitats near Bamfield, British Columbia. Beyond my research, I have a deep passion for the arts, often dedicating my weekends to underwater photography and pottery.

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