
Note: for full open access to either reprint or post-print versions of all articles (as permitted by journal policies), please follow this link to the StFX Scholar repository

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* indicates student co-authors

  1. *MacKenzie, A.F., *Basque, K., *Maltby, E.A., *Hodgson, M., *Nicholson, A., *Wilson, E., Stuart, R., Smith-Palmer, T., and Wyeth, R.C. 2021. Effectiveness of several commercial non-toxic antifouling technologies for aquaculture netting at reducing mussel biofouling. Aquaculture 543: 736968. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736968.
  2. Wyeth, R.C., *Holden, T., *Jalala, H., and Murray, J.A. 2021. Rare-earth magnets influence movement patterns of the magnetically sensitive nudibranch Tritonia exsulans in its natural habitat. The Biological Bulletin: 240(2): 105-117. doi:1086/713663.
  3. *Fraser, M.R., *Winsor, T., Williams, P.J., Wyeth, R.C., and Garbary, D.J. 2021. Assessing the viability of pre-industrial sediment prior to remediation using primary producer (Zostera marina and Spartina alterniflora) growth and survival. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.: 78(4): 361–370. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2019-0415.
  4. Eliuk, L.K.*, Brown, S.*, Wyeth, R.C., and Detwiler, J.T. 2020. Parasite-modified behaviour in non-trophic transmission: trematode parasitism increases the attraction between snail intermediate hosts. Can. J. Zool.: 417–424. doi:10.1139/cjz-2019-0251.
  5. *Young, A.P., Jackson, D.J., and Wyeth, R.C. 2020. A technical review and guide to RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization. PeerJ 8: e8806. PeerJ Inc. doi:10.7717/peerj.8806.
  6. *Young, A.P., *Landry, C.F., Jackson, D.J., and Wyeth, R.C. 2019. Tissue-specific evaluation of suitable reference genes for RT-qPCR in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. PeerJ 7: e7888. doi:10.7717/peerj.7888.
  7. *Ni, P., *Murphy, K.J., Wyeth, R.C., Bishop, C.D., Li, S., and Zhan, A. 2019. Significant population methylation divergence and local environmental influence in an invasive ascidian Ciona intestinalis at fine geographical scales. Mar Biol 166(11): 143. doi:10.1007/s00227-019-3592-3.
  8. *Murphy, K.J., Sephton, D., Klein, K., Bishop, C.D., and Wyeth, R.C. 2019. Abiotic conditions are not sufficient to predict spatial and interannual variation in abundance of Ciona intestinalis in Nova Scotia, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series 628: 105–123. doi:10.3354/meps13076.
  9. *MacKenzie, A.F., *Maltby, E.A., Harper, N., Bueley, C., Olender, D., and Wyeth, R.C. 2019. Periodic ultraviolet-C illumination for marine sensor antifouling. Biofouling 0(0): 1–11. doi:10.1080/08927014.2019.1616698.
    Free access link.
  10. Wang, T., Wyeth, R.C., *Liang, D., Bose, U., Ni, G., McManus, D.P., and Cummins, S.F. 2019. A Biomphalaria glabrata peptide that stimulates significant behaviour modifications in aquatic free-living Schistosoma mansoni PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 13(1): e0006948. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0006948.
  11. Wyeth, R.C. 2019. Olfactory navigation in aquatic gastropods. Journal of Experimental Biology 222(Suppl 1): jeb185843. doi:10.1242/jeb.185843. [Invited article.]
  12. *Merlo, E.M., *Milligan, K.A., *Sheets, N.B., Neufeld, C.J., Eastham, T.M., *Estores-Pacheco, A.L.K., Steinke, D., Hebert, P.D.N., Valdés, Á., and Wyeth, R.C. 2018. Range extension for the region of sympatry between the nudibranchs Hermissenda opalescens and Hermissenda crassicornis in the northeastern Pacific. FACETS 3(1): 764–776.  doi:10.1139/facets-2017-0060
  13. Wyeth, R.C., and Wonham, M.J. 2018. Patterns vs. Causes and Surveys vs. Experiments: Teaching Scientific Thinking. The American Biology Teacher 80(3): 203–213. doi:10.1525/abt.2018.80.3.203.  Link to PDF
  14. *Webber, M.P., *Thomson, J.W.S., Buckland-Nicks, J., Croll, R.P., and Wyeth, R.C. 2017. GABA-, histamine-, and FMRFamide-immunoreactivity in the visual, vestibular and central nervous systems of Hermissenda crassicornis. Journal of Comparative Neurology 525(16): 3514–3528. doi:10.1002/cne.24286.
  15. *Doyle, J.M., *Merovitch, N., Wyeth, R.C., *Stoyek, M.R., Schmidt, M., Wilfart, F., Fine, A., and Croll, R.P. 2017. A simple automated system for appetitive conditioning of zebrafish in their home tanks. Behavioural Brain Research 317: 444–452.
  16. *Stewart, M.J., Wang, T., Harding, B.I., Bose, U., Wyeth, R.C., Storey, K.B., and Cummins, S.F. 2016. Characterisation of Reproduction-Associated Genes and Peptides in the Pest Land Snail, Theba pisana. PLOS ONE 11(10): e0162355. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162355.
  17. *Ells, V., *Filip, N., Bishop, C.D., DeMont, M.E., Smith-Palmer, T., Wyeth, R.C. 2016. A true test of color effects on marine invertebrate settlement: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 483: 156–161.
  18. Filip, N.*, Pustam, A.*, Ells, V.*, Grosicki, K.M.T.*, Yang, J.*, Oguejiofor, I.*, Bishop, C.D., DeMont, M.E., Smith-Palmer, T., Wyeth, R.C. 2016. Fouling-release and chemical activity effects of a siloxane-based material on tunicates. Marine Environmental Research 116: 41–50. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.02.015
  19. Smith-Palmer, T., *Lin, S., *Oguejiofor, I., *Leng, T.,*Pustam, A., Graham, L.L., , Bishop, C.D., Wyeth, R.C., DeMont, M.E. Pink, D. 2016.  In Situ Confocal Raman Microscopy of Hydrated Early Stages of Bacterial Biofilm Formation on Various Surfaces in a Flow Cell. Applied Spectroscopy 70(2): 289–301.
  20. *Schwarz, J.S., *McCullagh, G.B., Wyeth, R.C.  2016.  Detection of substrate-associated odour cues versus prey-associated cues by the oral veil in Tritonia diomedea.  Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology 49(2): 93–107.
  21. *Vasey, G., Lukeman, R., and Wyeth, R.C. 2015. Additional navigational strategies can augment odor-gated rheotaxis for navigation under conditions of variable flow. Integrative and Comparative Bioology. 55(3): 447–460
  22. *Carrigan, I.D., Croll, R.P., and Wyeth, R.C. 2015. Morphology, innervation and peripheral sensory cells of the siphon of Aplysia californica. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 523(16): 2409–2425.
  23. *McCullagh, G.B., Bishop, C.D., and Wyeth, R.C. 2014. One rhinophore probably provides sufficient sensory input for odour-based navigation by the nudibranch mollusc, Tritonia diomedea. Journal of Experimental Biology. 217: 4149–4158.
  24. *Ryan, S., *Livingstone, S., *Barry, J., Williams, P.J., Wyeth, R.C.  2014.  Laboratory comparison of American lobster, Homarus americanus, foraging responses to invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas, and two traditional finfish baits.  Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology. 47: 291–297
  25. Cummins,S.F., Wyeth,R.C.  2014.  Olfaction in Gastropods.  In Neuroecology and neuroethology in molluscs: the interface between behavior and environment, p45-72. Edited by: Winlow, B. and Di Cosmo, A. Nova Science Publishers Ltd, Hauppauge, New York, USA
  26. Heyland, A., Croll, R., *Goodall, S., *Kranyak, S., Wyeth, R.C. 2014. Trichoplax adherens, an enigmatic basal metazoan with potential.  In Methods in Molecular Biology: Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin and other Marine Invertebrate Model Systems, p45-61. Stricker, S., Carroll, D., Eds. Humana Press, New York.
  27. *Pustam, A., *Smith, C., *Deering, C., *Grosicki, K.M., *Leng, T.Y., *Lin, S., *Yang, J., Pink, D., Gill, T., Graham, L., Derksen, D., Bishop, C., DeMont, M.E., Wyeth, R.C., and Smith-Palmer, T. 2014. Interactions of protamine with the marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. NCIMB 2021. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 58: 225–230.
  28. Wyeth, R.C., *Braubach, O.R., Fine, A., and Croll, R.P. 2011. Videograms: a method for repeatable unbiased quantitative behavioural analysis without scoring or tracking. In Zebrafish Neurobehavioral Protocols, Neuromethods 51: 15-33. Kalueff, A.V and Cachat, J.M. Eds. Humana Press, New York.
  29. *Braubach, O.R., Wyeth, R.C., Murray, A., Fine, A., and Croll, R.P. 2011. A simple and effective method to condition olfactory behaviors in groups of zebrafish. In Zebrafish Neurobehavioral Protocols, Neuromethods 51: 85-97. Kalueff, A.V and Cachat, J.M. Eds. Humana Press, New York
  30. Wyeth, R.C. and Croll, R.P. 2011. Peripheral sensory cells in the cephalic sensory organs of Lymnaea stagnalis. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 519: 1894-1913.
  31. Wyeth, R.C.  2010.  Should animals navigating over short distances switch to a magnetic compass sense?  Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 4:42.
  32. Wyeth, R.C., Croll, R.P., Willows, A.O.D., and Spencer, A.N.  2009.  1-Phenoxy-2-propanol is a useful anaesthetic for gastropods used in neurophysiology. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 176(2): 121-128.
  33. Wyeth, R.C. and Willows, A.O.D. 2006. Field behavior of the nudibranch mollusc, Tritonia diomedea.  Biological Bulletin.  210(2):81-96. [featured as the Editor’s pick and provided the cover artwork for the journal issue]
  34. Wyeth, R.C. and Willows, A.O.D. 2006. Odours detected by rhinophores mediate orientation to flow in the nudibranch mollusc, Tritonia diomedea. Journal of Experimental Biology.  209(8):1441-1453.
  35. Wyeth, R.C., Woodward, O.M., and Willows, A.O.D. 2006. Orientation and navigation relative to water flow, prey, conspecifics, and predators by the nudibranch mollusc, Tritonia diomedea.  Biological Bulletin.  210(2):97-108.
  36. Wyeth, R.C. and Willows, A.O.D. 2006. Adaptation of underwater video surveillance for near substratum current measurement.  Biological Bulletin. 211(2):101-105.
  37. Govindarajan, A., Chen, T., Wyeth, R.C., Willows, A.O.D., Böhringer, K.F. 2004. Intracellular neuronal recording with flexible micro-machined probe implants. Solid State Sensor, Actuator, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, USA.
  38. Holman, G., Hanein, Y., Wyeth, R.C., Willows, A.O.D., Denton, D.D., and Böhringer, K.F. 2002. Silicon micro-needles with flexible interconnections. 2nd International IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine & Biology, Madison, WI, USA.
  39. Hanein, Y., Böhringer, K.F., Wyeth, R.C., and Willows, A.O.D. 2002.  Towards MEMS probes for intracellular recording. Sensors Update. 10(1.3):1-29. Invited article.
  40. Hanein, Y., Lang, U., Theobald, J., Wyeth, R.C., Daniel, T., Denton, D.D., Willows, A.O.D. and Böhringer, K.F. 2001. Intracellular recording with high aspect ratio MEMS neuronal probes. 11th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Munich, Germany.
  41. Mackie, G.O. and Wyeth, R.C. 2000. Conduction and coordination in deganglionated ascidians.  Canadian Journal of Zoology. 78:1626-1639.
  42. Wyeth, R.C. 1999. Video and electron microscopy of particle feeding in sandwich cultures of the hexactinellid sponge, Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni. Invertebrate Biology. 118(3):236-242.
  43. Wyeth, R.C., Leys, S.P., and Mackie, G.O. 1996. Use of sandwich cultures for the study of feeding in the hexactinellid sponge Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni (Lambe, 1892). Acta Zoologica. 77:227-232.